08 Jan 2019

12 Month Report

SafelySwim at The Duke of Yorks Royal Military School in Dover has come a long way in a year. This time last year I started with a few regular customers who wanted my experience and knowledge in the swimming industry. In the blog post below I describe our experiences from 2018 and what we aim to achieve in 2019.

On the 1st of January 2018 SafelySwim had 26 swimmers on record, all of which were private lessons ranging between the ages of 4 and 16 years old. SafelySwim now has 262 children on the system that visit us on a weekly basis in both private and group lessons. Our group lessons have become very popular from 3 classes a week to 26, these classes are shared across the members of the SafelySwim Team. This is a team which started at 2 and has now grown to 8 hand picked individuals.

Last year SafelySwim took on Wednesday evenings as well as completing its very first Competitive Training Camp over Christmas. The training camp was aimed for those that train to compete and be the best, it is something we all have backgrounds in and enjoy to coach. Sharing our knowledge with competitive swimmers is something SafelySwim wants to continue doing in 2019.

We love talking to our regular customers and how they recommend us to friends and family. I personally love having those that want us to do well and can recognise we are in the top of our field. From this we have noticed a big increase in pupils moving to our classes from other swim schools. It is great to see we are now stepping up to be a bigger and more successful swim school, we are always aiming to improve.

I have had a lot of people asking about SafelySwim’s movement into the more competitive side of swimming, including many requests for more training camps. I am pleased and excited to say this is something we are looking at and will be moving towards this year.

Starting from the 1st February our SafelySwim Learn to Swim criteria will replace that of Swim Englands’ and be changed across our services. This is to help us deliver classes that suit our programme and best support our swim school. Should you wish to find out more about our new criteria please visit our recent blog post.

Learn to Swim Criteria Blog Post

Overall, our first year was fantastic and we want to continue to help swimmers in a better, friendlier environment where children are excited to come swimming and parents are welcome to be a part of their children’s swimming development.