Contact Us

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How can we help?

Please select an option to get you to the correct place.

What type of booking are you looking for?

Please select an option to get you to the correct place.

What is your question about?

Please select an option to get you to the correct place.

How can we help?

Please select an option to get you to the correct place.

Discover more about us

All the information you need is right here online. Let us take you to the right page.

Are you currently booked in?

Please select an option to get you to the correct place.

Are you currently booked in?

Please select an option to get you to the correct place.

We are waiting to help you as soon as we can.

If you are waiting to get booked in, please bear with us.

How can we help?

Please select an option to get you to the correct place.

Get started today

The fastest way to get booked into a class is to complete our 'sign-up' form on our website.

Discover more about us

All the information you need is right here online. Let us take you to the right page.

Have you already looked over the site but still want to find out more?

Discover more about us

Discover more about us online

All the information you need is right here online. Let us take you to the right page.

Please get in touch, we are ready to help you!

Thank you for taking the time to get in touch.

Do you currently have booking space with us?

Please select an option to get you to the correct place.

Have you had a booking slot with us before?

Please select an option to get you to the correct place.

Do you have an appDot account?

Please select an option to get you to the correct place.

If you do not have an account with us, we have no details for you.

If you are waiting to get booked in, please bear with us.

Is there a fault with the details on your account?

Please select an option to get you to the correct place.

Are you able to login?

This can be an issue with your cache and the most up-to-date appDot version online.

Is the issue about the last payment made on your account?

We thank you for your patience with us.

We are sorry you are experiancing issues at the moment.

We are here to help and suggest you to get in touch.

We are sorry you have an issue with the payments on your account.

It usually takes 1-2 days to publish the changes, if it is important please get in touch.

We are struggling to find a issue.

Please get in touch using the details.

Do you currently have a booking slot?

Please select an option to get you to the correct place.

Please call or email Evan Waters

Use option 4 for
'School Bookings'

Contact Form

Contact Us

Office Hours

9:00 - 17:30 Mondays

CLOSED - Tuesdays

9:00 - 17:30 Wednesdays

9:00 - 17:30 Thursdays

9:00 - 17:30 Fridays

General Enquiries
[email protected]

01304 746004

Evan Waters - Operations
[email protected]

Shanelle Fankley - Lead Teacher
[email protected]

Charlie Hall - Lead Trainer & Health & Safety
[email protected]

Esther Black - Accounts & HR
[email protected]

Lee Shepherd - Lead Coach
[email protected]

Abbie Croucher - Lesson Bookings
[email protected]