05 Jul 2018

The beginning of appDot

This week we are getting everyone in our ‘Learn to Swim’ programme onto our brand new application, appDot. appDot is a web based application that will allow parents to view their child’s swimming progress, update contact information, and be notified with important SafelySwim information.

The application is free and exclusive to all customers at SafelySwim, and will be used solely to enhance our current services in group and private lessons. The programme will be constantly updated, maintained, and will always be at the forefront of web design and online systems.

I am very proud to have been given the opportunity to build such a system that will only improve what we already have at SafelySwim and look forward to seeing the improvements in communication, customer relations, and ability of the children joining our classes every week.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about appDot, please don’t hesitate to ask.